Well today, as I nonchalantly perused Facebook, I saw that I had been tagged in a picture, so naturally I was curious to see what it was, and to my surprise, it was a drawing of the newly chosen wedding party for my brother's October, 2010 wedding! And there I was, tagged as "the man" (not "the very best man", or "the best man" mind you).
So there I was, in an entirely foreign situation... Never before in my life have I been in a wedding party, and never before in my life have I been informed of such an auspicious event, where I am to hold a position of honour, by means of a social networking site! But alas, this is the future I see for all of us. So by no mean am I disappointed by this, rather, I find it humorous, and I find it a good lesson for all of us in the way things are.
Information is no longer shared via the means that we ordain, instead, it travels to all those waiting to see it by whatever means the first person we tell would like it to be shared; and in some cases, such as mine, it can be a strange drawing used to inform you of a very important event! Being aware of this, we need to take care that we control what information is on Facebook by taking care what information we divulge, and at what time we make it known. It cannot be assumed that your personal information is your personal property once it is shared, even with close friends. So guard you mouth, and in so doing, guard your private information.
Also, as I thought about this, the importance of living a life of integrity became an even more stark reality. Basically anything that I say or do, even in a small group of friends, can quickly become information for the world to revel in. Definitely a sobering thought, because I can say some pretty stupid things just to be funny, or just because I don't think, and stupidity comes forth. And maybe it happens because I'm comfortable with those people, but if it ended up in front of everyone, I may not be so comfortable, in fact, I'd be feeling downright awkward.
Not that Facebook is the ultimate accountability device, because there is a holy God who watches everything that I say and do... And the real kicker, even everything I think. So if that doesn't stop me, friends surely won't. Nevertheless, it is still a good reminder to be wary what I say, because who knows who'll know.
Finally, I was reminded how it is continually becoming harder and harder to live a double life. At one point, you could hide behind MSN lingo and emoticons, but no longer. Facebook now gives people a fairly clear picture into your life... What vibe are you giving off? Hardcore Christ follower? Or does your wall, status updates, and posts, look just like everyone else's? I am often criticized on Facebook for what I post, but the reason for that, I am convinced, is because it is true, and the truth is offensive. If you want to make everyone happy, be like everyone else. Otherwise, speak the truth in love, look like a Christian, and take the criticism that will inevitably follow.
Basically, there are two ways that we can use Facebook: As an idle, time wasting, means to connect with our friends. Or, we can seek to use it for the glory of God. And as Christians, we should certainly seek to do the latter.
And now, having said all that, I am very excited for the opportunity to participate in my brother's wedding, I will be praying for him and his future bride, and I am glad that I found out via "unconventional" means, because it has taught me a great lesson.
God bless!
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