Monday, October 5, 2009

Stewardship: More than just Money

I've often been told the importance of being a good steward with what God has given me, and always my thoughts come back to two things: time and money. But the reality is, God has given me so much more than just the money I have and the time I'm alive. He has given me every ability that I have, every talent, every gift, every opportunity, He has given me everything that has come into my life, whether good or evil. I say that because, if not directly from Him, He still allowed it into my life with the purpose that I be a good steward of it.

How can I be a good steward of everything? Even the bad situations that enter my life? By using each and every opportunity that comes my way to bring glory to God. After all, that is the chief end of man. In fact, if I do not seek to use everything I encounter as a means to glorify my LORD, I have failed Him and not exercised a diligent stewardship. In sinful situations - I can flee from them to Him, in bad situations - I can learn what He would teach me, in good times - I can serve Him, in all things I can remain faithful, I must remain faithful, or else I have failed my calling as a faithful steward of what the LORD has entrusted me with.

As believers, entrusted with the service of God and others, we cannot be prideful of the work we do or the work we are called to do, for it is all based on what God has entrusted to us. By fulfilling our calling we are simply being good stewards of what we have received as a gift. That is no occasion for pride!

"And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability..."
~ Luke 25:15

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